
Since we bake our own bread, we also grow our own grains. We offer our rye in small and large quantities. We also grow spelt, an ancient wheat variety. It is a bread grain that is preferred by many as it has excellent baking qualities, and is (for many people) easier to digest than wheat because it is a type of water-soluble gluten.

Mixed grains are oats peas and barley grown together and used for poultry and pig feed. These two species do eat grass and vegetables but need the grain supplement that we grow here on the farm.


Organic apples are grown by Apple Creek Farm on Conestoga Lake. We offer them by the pound at $1.65 lb and by the half bushel at $25. They also supply us with frozen apple cider, apple sauce, and apple butter.

July is Mulberry season and you are welcome to pick your own from one of the trees growing in abundance here at the farm. Even right in front of the store.

You can also pick your own wild cherries in late June.


POTATOES: The sandy soil on our farm is actually quite ideal for growing potatoes, and they fit well into our 7-year rotation. We grow mainly a yellow variety called Vivaldi and a few Red Chieftain.

Potato harvest starts in mid-August when the first ones are dug by hand, as the skin is still soft at that time. Later in September machinery is used to harvest the bulk of the crop. We offer bags from 5 lb up to 50 lb for sale in fall, winter, and into early spring.  

We also offer lettuce, spinach, beans, tomatoes, garlic, beets, onions, and other vegetables in season.